Course Description
A combination of classroom learnings and hands-on training, this course helps first-responders learn the legal requirements for scene control according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), OSHA and DOT regulations, and is designed around state and national mandates to eliminate the all too frequent tragic deaths and injuries while working the accident scene.
Debunking the myths of scene protection
Learning safe apparatus exiting protocols
Maintaining safe lateral buffers
Practicing effective traffic direction techniques
Understanding emergency vehicle placement
And more
Meet 2 The Rescue Co-owner Terry Bykerk
A retired two-time Police Officer Of The Year nominee with over 25 years in law enforcement experience with patrol, vice, S.W.A.T., field training, investigations, and street undercover operations. Terry applies thousands of hours of experience in the classroom and practical skill instruction to the benefit of emergency responders and others. He has a unique way of imparting lessons learned from his successes and failures. These are presented not just as “war stories,” but as practical advice seminar participants can use every day.
Meet 2 The Rescue Co-owner Mike Wierenga
A 30-plus year veteran in firefighting and law enforcement, Mike has thousands of hours of hands-on and classroom instruction, and is a certified subject matter expert in emergency vehicle operations and de-escalation techniques. This former Police Officer Of The Year combines over 600 hours of critical incident stress management training with front-line applications in multiple line-of-duty deaths, officer-involved shootings, suicides, and other violent tragedies. His passion for the safety and emotional wellness of emergency responders and their loved ones is easily seen by all in his presentations.